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Fennel Health Benefits, Uses and Harms Uses and side effects of fennel seeds


Fennel Health Benefits

 Benefits and side effects of fennel seeds:

 Fennel is a type of seed that has both a unique aroma and taste.  It has many health benefits.  It contains many types of vitamins and minerals.  Its use can be beneficial in indigestion, diarrhea and various respiratory diseases.  Apart from this, it is also very helpful in eye problems and balancing the menstrual cycle of women.  It has been observed that people in India must eat a little fennel after eating.  The reason for this is that it works as a mouth freshener on the one hand and on the other hand it also helps in digestion.  It is sometimes used to diagnose gum problems.

 Uses and harms of fennel

 Fennel Seed Benefits

 The health benefits of fennel are being explained below.

 Aids in digestion:

 Eating fennel can cure many digestive problems.  Fennel is beneficial in indigestion, flatulence, constipation, stomach ache, gas, sore throat etc.

Helpful in reducing obesity:

 Regular consumption of fennel can reduce obesity.  It acts as a 'natural fat booster'.  With its help, the metabolic rate in the body increases and fat is reduced.  It reduces 'water retention' in the body.  Water retention leads to further weight gain.  So reducing it helps in weight loss.  Thus, it is a good way to reduce obesity.

  Cancer prevention:

 Fennel is also very helpful in preventing cancer.  Its regular use helps prevent colon cancer.  It is rich in manganese.  It helps in making antioxidants in the body.  So it helps in preventing cancer.  Apart from this, the elements present in it also play a major role in removing toxins like cancer from the body, with the help of which cancer can be prevented easily.  It also contains anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which help prevent breast cancer.

 Diagnosis of menstrual problems:

 Due to not eating regularly and various problems, menstrual problems often start in women.  Its use at such times controls the menstrual flow.  Also, the phytoestrogen found in it helps prevent premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders, etc.

 Prevention of Anemia:

 Iron, copper etc micro elements are found in fennel.  This element helps in the formation of red blood cells in the body.  Its continuous use increases iron in the body, which increases the amount of hemoglobin in the body and prevents anemia.  It is also very effective for pregnant women.

 Helps in balancing blood pressure:

 Nitrates and nitrites are also found in it.  These ingredients help in balancing the blood pressure of the body.  Apart from this, it is also very high in potassium.  This element helps in the circulation of blood and other substances in the body, as well as it helps regulate and control heart rate and blood pressure.

 Fennel seeds are beneficial for the skin.

 Fennel also has skin benefits.  Its use gets rid of pores and keeps the skin healthy.  Applying this paste on pimples reduces pimples.  This is a home remedy for asthma.  Its regular use helps in getting rid of various diseases caused by oxidative stress, as well as enhances the beauty of the skin by making it healthy and wrinkle free.  It also gets rid of dark spots and fine lines on the face.

A paste can be made for this in the following way.

 First, boil some fennel seeds in a pot with water.  When you see that the water has changed color due to the fennel, take it out and let it cool.  You can use it as a skin toner.  Keep it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.  Then wash with clean water

 Fennel seeds are beneficial for hair:

 It is also very beneficial for hair.  It strengthens hair and prevents hair breakage.  Fennel tea relieves hair dryness and itching.  This is a home remedy to get rid of dandruff.  To prepare its tea, grind three spoons of fennel and mix it with water.  Boil this water for 10 to 15 minutes.  Rub it on your scalp and after some time wash your hair with shampoo.  Your hair will be clean and strong

 Benefits of Fennel Water:

 Mix fennel and water in a vessel and leave overnight.  Overnight the color of the water will change and the effect of fennel will be clearly visible in it.  This is fennel water.  It is light golden in color, giving off a wet aroma.

 Consuming it regularly on an empty stomach gets rid of unnecessary fat accumulated in the body.  It also helps in keeping the stomach cool.

 Giving fennel water to a smallpox patient is beneficial.  This keeps his body temperature balanced.

 Those who use it regularly get relief from eye problems and get rid of vision impairment.

 If you are constipated, fennel water can work very well.  Regular consumption of fennel water relieves constipation and keeps the digestive system healthy.

 Thus, fennel helps in the treatment of various diseases

 Use of fennel:

 Fennel is used in the treatment of various diseases.  It is used to control blood pressure, relieve dehydration, indigestion or other stomach related diseases, asthma, blood purification, vision disorders etc.  Its regular use is helpful in preventing cancer.  Its usage methods are shown below.

 You can use fennel by making fennel tea.  To make it, take a spoonful of fennel and add it to a cup of warm water and leave it for at least 30 minutes.  After that add some more ground fennel in the same water.  Boil this water for some time and filter it and take it like fennel tea.  While boiling, make sure that the water is not too hot otherwise the essential elements in it will be burnt and it will not be of much benefit.  A little honey or any kind of fruit juice can also be added to it to change its taste.  Its use relieves diabetes, obesity etc.

 Apart from this, you can also get the benefits of fennel by soaking fennel in water overnight and drinking this water in the morning.  For this, soak the required amount of fennel in clean water overnight.  Wake up in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach.  This way you will be able to reap the benefits of fennel.

Fennel Nutrition Facts:

 Fennel has long been used in Ayurvedic form as a remedy for flatulence and indigestion.  Fennel water is also given to newborn babies to relieve colic and strengthen the digestive system.  It is also used in cough, bronchitis and other massage oils which help in relieving the joint pain.

 Nutrition per hundred grams

 Calories 345

 Fat 23%

 2% saturated fat

 Sodium 4%

 Carbohydrates 17%

 Dietary fiber 160%

 Protein 32%

 Vitamin A 3%

 Vitamin C 35%

 Calcium 120%

 Iron 103%

 Side Effects of Fennel

 Along with the many benefits, there are also some side effects.  It has several major disadvantages which are described below.

 Skin rash:

 Many people suffer from very sensitive skin due to its use.  Due to this, many people have the problem of itchy skin.

 Nervous System:

 Its excessive use also causes problems in the nervous system.  It also increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.

Hormone sensitivity:

 If you have any kind of problem related to hormone sensitivity like breast cancer etc. then do not use fennel without consulting a doctor.

 Breast enlargement:

 Due to its excessive use, irregular breast development also occurs in young girls.


 Excessive consumption of fennel is also not advisable as it can cause mental problems such as hallucinations or seizures.

 Diabetes problems:

 If you are a diabetic, use fennel sparingly as it sometimes interferes with the sugar levels in the body.

 So keep in mind the above while using fennel.


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