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Worried about your health?

#Worried about your health?

 If you are worried about your health, don't worry. We are telling some ways to improve health. Follow them and see, surely your problems will end.

*… Do yoga *… Lift weights

*… reduce fat *… give up addictive substances

Reduce stress

It's easy to think that you have to do things right in life to be healthy. According to Dr Nadine Sammy, Associate Lecturer in Support and Exercise at the University of Exeter, we should focus on improving our mind by developing self-awareness. Mood, understood as feelings, can play an important role in improving mental and physical health. A deeper understanding of one's feelings, causes, and behavior allows one to make better decisions for one's self.

For example, what motivates you to exercise? When do you want to exercise more and when less, and why? There are many ways to do this, including keeping track on a daily basis, meditating, focusing, or simply reflecting on yourself after certain activities or at the end of the day. We've all heard that we should Five portions of fruits and vegetables should be taken a day. But according to doctors, 

it's not just the quantity that we should strive for but also the changes. 30 different sprouted foods should be consumed a week, as it plays an important role in our better health. 

The bacteria in our gut, known as the microbiome, also play an important role in health. Allergies, obesity, Parkinson's, and even depression are linked to gut bacteria. One way we can easily make changes to what we eat is to be a little more informed about what we buy. For example, instead of buying gram, buy four different pulses. Instead of buying one type of seed, buy four different seeds. 

During the holiday season most of us plan to lose weight and hit the gym. But they are often difficult to achieve, and failure to do so leads to a loss of confidence. We suggest you consider trying to be happier instead. There's a list of specific things you can do to make your life healthier, but if you're just not enjoying your life. If so, you probably won't be stuck on difficult and patient changes.

Make a change in life that makes you smile more often. Similarly, try to improve the work or the thing that makes you unhappy. Find other things that you can do to improve your health.

One more thing is that, get full sleep that is six hours. Everyone will know this, but not everyone does it, so everyone should get enough sleep, (seven to nine hours of sleep a night is necessary for the most healthy young people. It is said that even a little sleep deprivation (night in five hours) can affect cognitive functioning, including decision-making ability.

Follow the above tips and you will see the results.


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