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Lazy Load Blogger Script - Increase Blog Speed


Lazy Load Blogger Script - Increase Blog Speed

Today ,in this article I will tell you how you can increase the Loading Speed ​​of your Blogger Blog by applying Lazy Load Blogger Script.  We use a lot of Images and Graphics in our blog and both of them are very heavy in size, due to which sometimes it takes a lot of time to open the blog.  If the loading speed of the blog is slow, then it has a very bad effect on the ranking of the blog.  It is a bit difficult to make changes in Blogger Blog, but in this article I will tell you in very easy language how you can easily increase the speed of your blog by applying Lazy Load Blogger Script in your blog.

 What is azy Load Blogger Script?

 Lazy Load Blogger Script is a coding that optimizes the media files of your blog.  Instead of loading the entire blog post, Lazy Load Blogger Script first loads the important part of the post like text, after that the media (images, graphics) is loaded.

 Benefits of adding Lazy Load Plugin to Blogger Blog

 By applying this script in your blog, the content of your blog will open first and then the images will open.  This increases the loading speed of the blog.

 By applying this, the SEO of your blog will improve, so that your blog will rank quickly in Google and you will get more traffic.

 How to put Lazy load Blogger script in Blog

 In the last of this article, you will get the code to download Lazy Load Blogger Script.  First download and copy it.

 First of all, you have to login by opening your Blogger Dashboard.

 Click on "Theme" option.  First take Back Up of your old Theme.  So that if you make any mistake, then you can do your blog again as before.

 Then click on Edit HTML.

 Now come to the last of your theme, here you will find </body> written.

 You have to paste the code above </body> which was copied first.

 Now save your theme.

 Lazy Load Blogger Script 👉 Click Here


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