Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What should be used and how long -


What should be used and how long -
What should be used and how long (sweetdunya92)

 If they are not used properly, those things can cause problems for us

  Generally, we take everyday items for granted, but if they are not used properly, they can become a problem for us. Sometimes we have such items in our house, kitchen or cupboard.  There are many things that we use on a daily basis but we don't think about their expiry date. A recent study warned about the seriousness of this issue on the history and human health of some of these items.  But emphasis has been placed on paying attention to their effects.  For example, one of these things is the pillow, the pillow on which we sleep is more than two to three years old and if used even after that, it can cause neck pain and other ailments.  .

 Household shoes (slippers) should not be more than six months old, otherwise they will cause diseases, because they easily become a source of infection. It is necessary to change them and protect yourself from germs.  Similarly, the age of sports shoes is not more than one year. If this period is exceeded, the pressure on the body and feet increases and it becomes uncomfortable to wear them. Toothbrush only for three months while hair  A comb should only be used for one year. A fragrance should last for one to three years. A baby chair should last for 6 to 10 years. With the birth of a new baby, a new chair should be purchased and the old one should be discarded.  Similarly, baby pacifiers should not be used for more than two weeks to five weeks. Food spices have an expiry date of only one to three years while flour has a shelf life of six months to one year. This is also clear.  It has been stated that glass cleaning spray should not be kept for more than three months, it may be unnecessary.

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