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Zen moderate decor


Zen moderate decor/sweetdunya92
Zen moderate decor

 A balanced concept of summer home decoration.

 Zen is originally a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and intuition. It is also an alternative treatment approach to home and office decoration that enhances environmental energy with colors, lights, and plants.  Is.  Talisman of the world of colors It will be better to use soft and light colors in your surroundings to calm and spiritually satisfy and remove burden. Homes and offices to remove the heat and stress in the hot summer season.  The interior environment should be arranged with an energy-rich and moderate impression. Try yourself and see these three colors: light gray, milky white, and khaki.

 De-stresses your mood

 If you are keeping the color of the walls off-white, then the color of the sofas and curtains should be dull khaki, it will give a good impression.

 Say Goodbye to Synthetic Fabrics Today, fortunately, rugs and carpets made from natural fibers are available. Cotton fabrics are seeing a significant rise in popularity and popularity. This is a good sign.  If possible, linen and cotton mixed with silk fabric can also be better choices. Synthetic carpet looks good but it is made through an unnatural process so avoid it.

 Full use of natural light In the room of our houses, the wrong light is the factor that causes discomfort and gives an impression of burden on the health. We start to fear the sun in summer.  On the occasion of cleaning, open the windows and doors and let the sun come in. Next to the natural light of the sun, every bulb and energy saver hatch is visible.  .

 Simple furniture is very minimalistic, complex and elaborately decorated furniture can be expensive but it doesn't give you a moderate feeling and balance. The room is cluttered with stuff. Buy simple furniture but never compromise on quality if you want a lavish lifestyle.  If you take small furniture, the room will look full. There should be space for walking in the room. Decorating it with natural color theme will present the concept of moderate decoration.

 Light decorative items In winter, if you keep bright and dark colored pictures and decorative items in the lounge or drawing room, then you do not feel burdened, but the same items feel stinging eyes in summer, so every bright colored item.  Remove from the room. Do not decorate with contrasting colors. This will also give a pleasant impression until the spring season. Later, it reinforces the feeling of heaviness.

Keep plants in the house. This request is also being made because it is very important to use the natural blessings around you to have a calm state, positive mindset, relief from restlessness and anxiety.  Creation in the form of trees, plants and flowers can give us a calm familiar life, so every room must have a small or large plant. Arranging shade plants is not such a difficult task. You can also have such a bonsai in your lounge.  Or make it part of the bedroom. An aloe vera plant can also induce restful sleep.  Do not keep DVDs in the bedroom. Tired people keep old clothes, newspapers, magazines or DVDs in their bedrooms and turn off the TV, but do not disconnect, do not turn off the modem, close the windows.  People who do not sleep at least seven or eight hours a night do not have good heart health.  And sleeping in any type of clutter-free room is energizing. It is better if the bed sheet, cover sheet or quilt is made of organic cotton. Do not install full-length mirrors in the bedroom.  Can cause stress


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